2023-24 Fall Ball Registration Opens June 19, 2023
2023-24 FALL BALL
Registration opens June 19, 2023
Birthdate between 9.1.2008 and 8.31.2011 (13- to 15-year-olds): register here.
Birthdates between 9.1.2011 and 8.21.2019 (5- to 12-year-olds): register here.
- Fall Ball is a developmental league for the Spring 2024 Little League season–it is not an extension of the Spring 2023 season.
- Registration fees are $250 per player. If late registrations are allowed, there is an additional $100 late fee assessment.
- Registration opens June 19, 2023
- Registration closes
- 13- to 15-year-olds: August 10, 2023
- 5- to 12-year-olds: August 16, 2023
- Player’s assignment to a division is based on the player’s 2023 Little League age, i.e., player’s age as of August 31, 2024.
- Ages 13, 14, and 15 (born between 9.1.08 and 8.31.11)–Juniors/Intermediate
- Ages 11 and 12 (born between 9.1.11 and 8.31.13)–12u
- Ages 9 and 10 (born between 9.1.13 and 8.31.15)–10u
- Ages 7 and 8 (born between 9.1.15 and 8.31.17)–Coach Pitch, if there is sufficient interest and field availability and if a sufficient number of coaches are identified
- Age 5 and 6 (born between 9.1.17 and 8.31.19)–T-Ball, if there is sufficient interest and field availability and if a sufficient number of coaches are identified
- There are no Fall Ball Wiffle Ball or Challenger divisions.
- All 9- to 12-year-olds must attend a mandatory evaluation session on August 19, 2023, at Middlefield Ballpark.
- All 13- to 15-year-olds must attend a mandatory evaluation session on August 12 or 13, 2023, at El Camino Field.
For more information, go to 2023-24 Fall Ball Guidelines