Birthdates between 9.1.2010 and 8.31.2019 (4- to 12-year-olds): register here.
Birthdates between 9.1.2007 and 8.31.2010 (13- to 15-year-olds): register here.
- Registration opens: November 1, 2022.
- Registration closes:
- 10- to 12-year-olds: February 1, 2023
- 9-year-olds who wish to be considered for PCL must register by this date
- Wiffle Ball: February 6, 2023–at capacity
- All others: February 15, 2023
- 10- to 12-year-olds: February 1, 2023
- Registration fees:
- Little League ages 13 through 15 (born between 9.1.07 and 8.31.10)–Juniors division–$500
- Little League ages 10 through 12 (born between 9.1.10 and 8.31.13)–Majors, PCL, AAA divisions–$400
- Little League ages 5 through 9 (born between 9.1.13 and 8.31.18)–AAA, AA, Coach Pitch, T-Ball divisions, and 5-year-olds in Wiffle Ball–$300
- Pre-K and TK students, aged 4 (born between 9.1.18 and 8.31.19)–Wiffle Ball division–no registration fees
- Challenger division–no registration fees
- An Early Bird discount of $100 off registration fees is in effect until December 31, 2022; Early Bird registration fees:
- Ages 13 through 15 (born between 9.1.07 and 8.31.10)–$400
- Ages 10 through 12 (born between 9.1.10 and 8.31.13)–$300
- Ages 5 through 9 (born between 9.1.13 and 8.31.18)–$200
- If space permits and late registrations are allowed, there is a $100 late fee assessment REQUIRED AT REGISTRATION.
- Players must live in or attend school in Palo Alto or Stanford. Verify eligibility here.
- Player’s assignment to a division is based on the following criteria:
- 2023 Little League age (player’s age as of August 31, 2023); see Little League age chart
- Grade
- Skill level
- Baseball experience
- All Juniors must attend an evaluation session.
- Evaluation dates: To be determined
- Location: El Camino Park
- All 10-, 11-, and 12-year-olds must attend a mandatory evaluation session. Any 9-year-old who wishes to be considered for PCL must register by Feb. 1,, 2023, and attend evaluations. Evaluations assist league officials, managers, and coaches in placing players in the appropriate divisions.
- Evaluation dates: Saturday-Sunday, February 4-5, 2023, at Middlefield Ballpark.
- Players who do not attend evaluations are not eligible to play on a Majors team.
- Majors and PCL are draft leagues; players are drafted by team managers. Teammate requests are not considered in forming Majors and PCL teams.
- Teams are formed after evaluations are completed in mid February.
- AAA, AA (Machine Pitch), Coach Pitch, and T-Ball teams are formed by the division player agents. Teams are primarily age/grade-, school-, and friend-based.
- Teammate requests are not considered for players who wish to “play up” above their age/grade level.
- Teams are formed in late February.
- Preliminary spring 2023 calendar
- Nov. 1, 2022: Registration opens
- Feb. 1: Registration closes for 10-, 11- and 12-year-olds
- Feb. 4-5: Majors and PCL evaluations
- Feb. 11: Majors practices start
- Feb. 15: Registration closes for all divisions
- Feb. 18: PCL practices start
- March 4: League play begins for Majors and PCL
- March 4: Practices start for all other divisions
- March 17-18: Opening day weekend
- March 19: Picture Day
- April 1-9: PAUSD vacation week; no games scheduled
- May 6: Regular season play ends for Majors and PCL
- May 8-20: City Champion and PCL tournaments
- May 20: Seasons end for all divisions