At its annual meeting on October 17, 2024, members of the Palo Alto Little League (PALL) approved the slate of Board of Directors, board officers, and league volunteers for the 2024-25 league year.

Incumbent league president Saxon Noh welcomed the following new Board members.

  • Patty Dhillon
  • Didi Goodnough
  • Monica Kuchinski
  • Josh Vanderlip

The Board’s officers were also voted on and approved.

  • Saxon Noh, president
  • Nate Blair, vice president
  • Bryan Rubin, secretary
  • Nicole Wang, treasurer
  • Josh Vanderlip, registrar

For a full list of Board members and league officials, go to the PALL web site.

Noh acknowledged and thanked the former Board members and league volunteers for their contributions and service to the league and to the community: Mark Burton, Evan Doll, Richard Sousa, Jinting Xu, and Craig Yanigisawa.

Under the aegis of Little League International, the PALL Board focuses on providing a safe and fun experience for kids and is committed to developing a strong community for its families.

PALL is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that has been providing youth baseball to the Palo Alto community since 1952. PALL’s federal tax ID number is 94-1221943.
