Do you have used baseball equipment? Looking for a well-cared-for, broken-in glove? The Palo Alto Little League Equipment Exchange may have the answer.

Donations of baseball equipment in good condition will be accepted on Saturday, Jan. 25, between 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 noon at  Middlefield Ballpark (3672 Middlefield Rd. Palo Alto, CA). After being sorted, equipment will be available for pick up later that day, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m. Donations are not required to receive used equipment.

The rule of thumb is you should donate only gear you would give to a sibling, niece, nephew, or grandchild.

We are accepting

  • Undamaged batting helmets
  • Little League approved bats (no longer than 32 inches)
  • Baseball gloves
  • Molded cleats
  • Catcher’s gear
  • Baseball pants
  • Baseball belts

We are not accepting

  • Damaged equipment: helmets, bats, catcher’s gear
  • Any non-baseball equipment (e.g., soccer, football, basketball, …)
  • The following clothing items: hats, used batting gloves, and uniform jerseys
  • Metal spikes
  • Baseballs and wiffle balls