Supporting PALL by Volunteering
We rely on the energy and passion of the volunteers who govern the league, coach our teams, schedule our games, run our events, manage our fields, and keep our kids safe. Palo Alto Little League thanks all of our volunteers!
We need YOUR time and talents. Each family is expected to volunteer in some way, in either a team support or league support position. There is a job to fit the interests and availability of everyone. Some are one-time, some are ongoing. If you have special skills, we'd love to hear about it!.
Join a fun, easy-going group of parents and other volunteers. Get to know others in your community and enjoy the rewards of giving your time and talents to our kids.
Volunteer positions include:
- Manager: Organizes and runs the team. The manager is usually also the head coach, but it is not required.
Coach: Plans and holds practices and runs the games.
Team Volunteer: Team parent (organize snacks, uniforms, etc), Field prep, Scorekeeper
League Volunteer Pool: Called on for various projects including League-wide Picture Day Coordinator, School Facilitator, Opening Day Event Coordinator, Field and Facility Help, Marketing Facilitator, Volunteer Coordinator
In the registration process, there is also an option for Current Volunteer. This option is only for player agents, existing voting and non-voting board members, volunteer coordinators, etc.
Interested in helping? Contact
Palo Alto Little League
3672 Middlefield Rd
Palo Alto, CA 94306
Connect with us!