Rules Summary
T-Ball | Coach Pitch | AA | AAA | PCL | Majors | ||
# of Innings | 4 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | 6 | |
Time Limit | No new inning after 45m. Hard stop at 1h. | No new inning after 1h15m. Hard stop at 1h30m. | No new inning after 1h30m. Hard stop at 2h. | No new inning after 1h30m. Hard stop at 2h. | No new inning after 1h45m. | If following game scheduled, no new inning after 2h. | |
Base Distance | 50 ft. | 50 ft. | 60 ft. | 60 ft. | 60 ft. | 60 ft. | |
Baseball | TB 1 | TB 1 | RIF 5 | RIF 5 | Rawlings RLLB1 | Rawlings RLLB1 | |
# of Fielders | 10 players (4 outfielders) | 10 players (4 outfielders) | 10 players (4 outfielders) | 10 players (4 outfielders) | 9 players | 9 players | |
Minimum Play | Continuous batting order. Two defensive innings. | Continuous batting order. Three defensive innings. | Continuous batting order. Three defensive innings. | Continuous batting order. Three defensive innings. | Continuous batting order. Three defensive innings. | Phase 1: Continuous batting order; three defensive innings. Phase 2: One plate appearance; three defensive innings. Post-season: One plate appearance; two defensive innings. | |
Pitcher | Batter hits off a tee. | Coach pitches to own team. Limit of 6 pitches/batter (foul ball on last pitch is replayed). No walks or hit-by-pitch. Swinging strike outs apply. | Coach uses machine to pitch to own team. Limit of 6 pitches/batter (foul ball on last pitch is replayed). No walks or hit-by-pitch. Swinging strike outs apply. | Player pitches to opposing team. No walks unless hit-by-pitch. Strikes outs apply. If count reaches 4 balls, reverts to coach pitch, maintain strike count. Maximum 5 pitches from coach (foul ball on last pitch is replayed). Coach remains in upon three reliefs of same pitcher. | Player pitches to opposing team. Standard balls and strikes including walks, hit-by-pitch, and strike-outs. | Player pitches to opposing team. Standard balls and strikes including walks, hit-by-pitch, and strike-outs. | |
Pitch Count | N/A | N/A | N/A | Pitch count rules apply. Max 2 innings or 35 pitches per day. | Pitch count rules apply. | Pitch count rules apply. | |
Batting | Bunting is not allowed. | Bunting is not allowed. | Bunting is not allowed. | Bunting is not allowed. | Bunting is allowed. Slash bunting is not allowed. | Bunting is allowed. Slash bunting is not allowed. | |
Baserunning | No leading. No steals. Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield. | No leading. No steals. Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield. | No leading. No steals. Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield. | No leading. No steals. Runners stop once the ball has been returned to the infield. | No leading. Steals allowed. Runner advances at own risk once the ball reaches batter. Defense is responsible for stopping baserunners progress. No stealing home. | No leading. Steals allowed. Runner advances at own risk once the ball reaches batter. Defense is responsible for stopping baserunners progress. Stealing home is allowed. | |
End of Inning | Each player bats once, 3 outs or 5 runs scored. | Each player bats once, 3 outs or 5 runs scored. | Each player bats once, 3 outs or 5 runs scored. | Each player bats once, 3 outs or 5 runs scored. | Each player bats once, 3 outs or 5 runs scored. | 3 outs. | |
Scoring | 5 run limit per inning. | 5 run limit per inning. | 5 run limit per inning. | 5 run limit per inning. | 5 run limit per inning. 15-run mercy rule after 3rd inning; 10-run mercy rule after the 4th inning. | No run limit per inning. 15-run mercy rule after 3rd inning; 10-run mercy rule after the 4th inning. |

Palo Alto Little League
3672 Middlefield Rd
Palo Alto, CA 94306
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