Batting Cage Policy

Palo Alto Little League Batting Cages Have Been Renovated!

In December 2019, PALL substantially upgraded and replaced our worn out batting cages and nets with new netting, safety screens, and two completely new cages.

In order to defray the cost, to keep the cages in good condition, and for security, the four batting cages are locked. There is a use fee for those wishing to access the cages for personal use.


batting cages

Batting cage fee structure

Any former or current PALL family who donates $200 to PALL (not including registration fees) will receive complimentary access to the cages for one twelve-month period.

You may make direct, tax-deductible donations to PALL. Please mail your check to Palo Alto Little League P.O. Box 785. Palo Alto, CA 94302 or contact send a payment via PayPal at The organization's 501 (c) (3) number is: 94-1221943. Please indicate your child's name in the note.

During the regular Spring, All-Star, and Fall Ball seasons, priority is given to PALL team batting practices and pre-game hitting.

Little League Baseball of Palo Alto, Inc. is a nonprofit organization that received its initial charter in 1952.

PALL logo larg

Palo Alto Little League
3672 Middlefield Rd
Palo Alto, CA 94306

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